Fushimi Inari Taisha and the Japanese Perspective on Religion



“Do you believe in God?” This was the question that my friend’s friend from Russia asked me as soon as we arrived at Fushimi Inari Taisha. I think he simply wanted to know the Japanese perspective on religion at the time when he was visiting a religious place in Japan, but I was overwhelmed by his question and couldn’t immediately answer since it is uncommon to be asked such a question in Japan. I am not a religious person, but I pray for good health and happiness whenever I visit shrines and temples. Some people in other countries say that Japanese people are not religious. It is true that in our daily lives we rarely have occasions to see other people’s religious practices like regularly attending religious gatherings or praying daily to God.


Then, why do many Japanese people visit temples and shrines? I am sure that one purpose for most is sightseeing to see famous architecture, beautiful gardens and historical artifacts. However, it is very rare that visitors don’t pray even if their purpose is sightseeing. People usually pray for good luck. During the first three days of the New Year, an enormous number of people visit shrines or temples to make a wish for the New Year. Most shrines have several deities. The religion which has existed from ancient times in Japan and is still considered the national religion is Shinto. As it is said that there are myriads of deities in Shinto, it has polytheistic as well as animistic beliefs. An attitude which worships many deities leads to a generous perspective of religions, which is sometimes regarded as an irreligious attitude. This animistic belief may also make people carefully use things for a long time and keep not only their own houses but also public places clean.


When I visited Fushimi Inari Taisha for the first time, I couldn’t see all the way to the end of Senbon Torii because of the misty rain. However, the scenery of so many bright red orange Torii in the fog after rain was very mysterious and I felt a sacred atmosphere as if powerful spirits dwelled in the deepest place of the mountain. Torii is defined as a gate which separates our world and the deities’ world. The main building is located on the foot of the mountain and from there to the top there are many Torii. You can pray to many deities as you climb the mountain. We usually offer money when we pray to deities, but at some small shrines of Fushimi Inari Taisha as well as offering when we pray, we can also pay for several sizes of wooden Torii, this is not seen at other shrines in Japan.


There are shrine offices and small shops on the mountain path where you can buy amulets, drinks, food and so on. Every building is old and has an otherworldly atmosphere. In front of the shops you can rest your legs that have become weary by climbing the mountain, separate yourself from ordinary life by looking at the scenery and calming your mind. I think every religion has this benefit but making a prayer to deities is a good opportunity to realize your wish and dream that you have in your daily life. You can also be more positive when you go home from the hope of your wish coming true. Besides, it takes around two hours to climb up and down the mountain and you can also feel a sense of accomplishment for scaling the mountain.


I hear that talking about religion is sometimes taboo in foreign countries. This is to avoid arguments between people of different religious beliefs. However, in Japan talking about religion not so often might come from the regular existence of deities in our daily lives. I think many houses have a Buddhist altar for their families and some houses also have an altar for the fire deity in their kitchen. You can see at least one shrine and temple even in a small town where you visit. Small shrines can be often seen on the roadside. Some of you probably remember the song named “the lavatory deity.” Shinto even has a deity for the lavatory.


Religion creates the thinking of people who believe in it. It also helps to restrain people from bad behavior and encourages them to do good things. On the other hand, in human history it is obvious that religion has also caused fighting due to the different beliefs between religions, especially monotheism which doesn’t accept other gods. Some people believe in one absolute God too strongly and close their minds to other beliefs. There are also conflicts between religions which are said to have the same origin.

私がオーストラリアにいた頃、クラスメイトのトルコ人の女性と観光目的で教会へ行きました。ホストマザーにその話をしたところ、イスラム教の人が教会に行くなんてととても驚いていました。(クラスメイトはイスラム教ではなかったのですが、トルコでは国民の大部分がイスラム教徒です。) ただ、観光目的であろうと他の宗教の建物なり敷地なりを訪れることは良いことだと思います。なぜなら訪れることにより、その宗教を知ることができるからです。知ることは理解することへの第一歩です。2020年のオリンピック・パラリンピックを前に、今日本には沢山の外国人が訪れています。伏見稲荷大社でも多くの外国人を見かけました。もっと多くの外国人が伏見稲荷大社を訪れ、そこに沢山の神々が一緒に祀られることを知って欲しいと思います。そうすれば、他の宗教への理解が生まれるきっかけになり、本来人を幸せにするべき宗教で争うことを止められるのではないかと感じました。    

When I was in Australia, I went to a Christian church with my Turkish classmate for sightseeing. I told this story to my host mother. She was so surprised and said, “I can’t believe a Muslim girl went to a Christian church!”(My classmate wasn’t a Muslim, but most Turkish people are.) Yet, I think visiting other religions’ facilities and places is a good thing. Because you can have an opportunity to learn about that religion. Knowing something is the first step to understanding it. Before the 2020 Olympics and Paralympics many foreigners will visit Japan. I also saw crowds of foreigners in Fushimi Inari Taisha. I hope that more foreigners visit Fushimi Inari Taisha so that they can learn about the many deities enshrined together. I believe it will be a good opportunity for them to understand other beliefs and resolve conflicts between religions, which are supposed to make people happy.




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